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2008 — 2009


Degrees and endpoints of change: evidence from Turkic. Chronos 2009. 9th InternationalConference on Tense, Aspect and Modality. University Paris-Diderot - Paris 7 & University of Chicago Center in Paris.

Karachay-Balkar: Event Structure of Causative and Passive Verbs. Workshop on Verbal Systems on the 44th Meridian. University of Duesseldorf. <with Ekaterina Lyutikova>

Ossetian: Verbs, Nominalizations, and the Problem of Indirect Access. Workshop on Verbal Systems on the 44th Meridian. University of Duesseldorf. <with Ekaterina Lyutikova>

Tundra Nenets: Recursion in Derivational Morphology. Workshop on Verbal Systems on the 44th Meridian. University of Duesseldorf. <with Ekaterina Lyutikova>

Actional classes and valence-changing derivations. Second Conference of Concept Typesand Frames.  University of Duesseldorf. <with Ekaterina Lyutikova>

Building Intensive Resultatives. FASL 18. Cornell University.

Constraints on external prefixation in Russian. The Eighth European Conference on Formal Descriptionof Slavic Languages. University of Potsdam.  <with Xenia Kisseleva>

The clause internal left edge: Exploring the preverbal position in Ossetian. Third international conference on Iranian languages. Université Paris 3 — Sorbonne Nouvelle. <with Ekaterina Lyutikova>

Perfectivity dilemma : Verbless Aspect and Aspectless Verb. Moscow Syntax and Semantics 3. [Invited talk]

Nominalization and the problem of indirect access. Workshop on finiteness and non-finiteness. Institute of Estonian Language. <with Ekaterina Lyutikova>

Representing accomplishments in Turkic languages. 6th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics. University of Nagoya.

Superlexicals and structure of verb stem in Russian. Fourth Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistic Society. University of Zadar. <with Xenia Kisseleva>



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